dimanche 29 mai 2011

Week 5- Science and reason- Video art by Pipilotti Rist

1.    1.  Define the 17th century 'Scientific Revolution', and say how it changed European thought and world view. 

The “Scientific Revolution” was a period situated between the 16th and 17th century, it was not like the renaissance when people were interested in reality, nature, human body. The “Scientific Revolution” is an “Intellectual Revolution”, it completely changed the human though, they tried to understand and explain the world where they are and are no long interested in church dogma, they started thinking that church was not the only way to understand life. The countries have also pushed science for new technology. It was at this period that some fundamental scientist came from, first of all Isaac Newton (1642-1727) who found an invisible force that could not be detected named “gravity” but also Rene Descartes (1596-1650) in philosophy and Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) the astronomer.

2. Give examples of how we can we still see evidence of the 'Scientific Revolution' in the world today.

There are lot of things in our daily life that show evidence of the “Scientific Revolution”. First of all, the cell-phones we have know “touch screen” on our phone, not long ago (still few today) we had buttons. Another examples is the TV, we have few channels all about science, new technology such as “discovery” and “National geography”. But I think the most relevant of it is the weapon, from the bow to the nuclear bomb, it also shows how powerful a country is.

Research Pipilotti Rist's video installations to answer the following;

3. From your research, do you think that the contemporary art world values art work that uses new media/technology over traditional media?

I think we still using both new and traditional media it just a matter of who this art work is for. What I mean about that is each generation will have a different interest with the same art work, new generation might be more interested in new media because they were born in it rather than the older generation.
New media is also a way to give more information, sensation rather than a static image, I am not saying I do not like traditional, new and traditional media are different by the way to understand the work.

4. How has Pipilotti Rist used new media/technology to enhance the audience's experience of her work?

Pipilotti Rist’s work is based on video, she like playing with colours, sound, and speed. Her work treats about sexuality, feminism, simplicity, and happiness. She try to get the audience involved in her work, therefore the sound and the colours in the rooms.
“I always try to create equal power between the subject and the object, so as not to end up creating a relationship where the camera is here and the object out there. [...]I realize that spectators can identify with the images and almost forget that someone else actually made them. “Pipilotti Rist

5. Comment on how the installation, sound and scale of 'Ever is Over All' (1997) could impact on the audience's experience of the work.

In her work ‘Ever is Over’ two videos are projected on a corner of a wall to have the two videos in a different angle. In the first video, we can the artist smashing windows in a street by using a stick that represent a flower shown in the second video. The sound is slow, calm but when she has smashed the window the sound produced at this moment has actually surprised the audience not just about the sound but also about her act and the other indifferent people.

6. Comment on the notion of 'reason' within the content of the video. Is the woman's behaviour reasonable or unreasonable?

Her act in the video is unreasonable, She is smashing cars windows in front of a police women who just salute her like she is doing something totally normal, but it is against the law to destroy someone else property. The only person who think she is insane was the man.  

7. Comment on your 'reading' (understanding) of the work by discussion the aesthetic (look), experience and the ideologies (ideas, theories) of the work.

The work is surprisingly very attractive, Pipilotti Rist has involved  the audiance into her work by using projected videos and sound, it is another kind of art that have change the way to understand the work, she permit us to understand more rather than using a image and she easily explain her idea of feminism in her work because of her technique.

Reference list:

1 commentaire:

  1. I very much agree on your take of how each generation of the contemporary art world would have different interests depending on what type of art they were exposed to when they were young and grew up with. It seems that with newer media like movies becoming more advanced in technology and something we experience in our daily lives, younger generations will grow more comfortable with new technology.

    You also picked up on something I think is very important in Rist's work: is that she gets her audiences involved in the work so it becomes an experience that a static image can't produce.
