mardi 30 août 2011

WEEK 1- Nathalie Djurberg's 'Claymations'.

'Experiment' (2009) Venice Biennale

Nathalie Djurberg's 'Claymations'.

Swedish artist Nathalie Djurberg's intricately constructed claymation films are both terrifyingly
disturbing and artlessly sweet.

The new works created for the Venice Biennale explore a surrealistic Garden of Eden in which all that is natural goes awry.

She exposes the innate fear of what is not understood and confronts viewers with the complexity of emotions.

Nathalie Djurberg was awarded the silver lion for a promising young artist at the Venice
Art Biennale 09.

Research Djurberg's work in order to answer the following questions;

1. What do you understand by the word 'claymation'?

By “Claymation” I understand Clay motion or even Clay animation, it is a stop motion scene that involve characters, landscapes and environment made in clay. A scene of 20 sec will be the product of 500 pictures in which the characters moves a bit in each pictures to have a synchronised movement.

2. What is meant by the term 'surrealistic Garden of Eden'? and 'all that is natural goes awry'?

I think the terms ‘surrealistic Garden of Eden’ and ‘all that is natural goes awry’ reveal an unthinkable world that ‘Garden of Eden’ might express for the people. We usually think of a colourful, beautiful or even makes feel in peace when it is related to the ‘Garden of Eden’, but Djurberg’s work doesn’t make us feel this way, the landscapes and displays she created is full of dark colours or in a weird state such as rotten flowers, moisture, etc...
‘all that is natural’ make me think that it could be interpreted in two ways: that the garden of Eden might be like that because of Adam and Eve, when they ignored God’s words and broke the balance between the good and the evil or tit’s going to be like that.

3. What are the 'complexity of emotions' that Djurberg confronts us with?

I think the emotion that Djurberg confronts us with is shocking and hurting, hurting in the way that since we were born the image we have got of the Garden of Eden couldn’t be sad, colourless, lack of pleasure. We have built up a totally opposite world, seen in advertisement or bible. 
Djurberg make us also think of an predictable world there are no says of what happened to the Garden after Adam and Eve leaved it...

4. How does Djurberg play with the ideas of children's stories, and innocence in some of her work?

I think that Djurberg’s work may have in some way the idea of children’s stories by using clay as the base of the work, one of the first tools the children used to play with.
The environment created in “the Garden of Eden” could be related to “Alice in Wonderland” where everything is oversized fascinate children 

5. There is a current fascination by some designers with turning the innocent and sweet into something disturbing. Why do you think this has come about?

I think those designers found out that by turning something innocent into something disturbing catch the mind of the audience because it actually goes into a conflict of the innocent of the object that make us fell.
Because it shocking, sometimes rejecting, the audience will have the chance to think in another way

6. In your opinion, why do you think Djurberg's work is so interesting that it was chosen for the Venice Biennale?

I think that the main reason that Djuberg’s work was chosen for the Venice Biennale is the idea of turning the innocent into something disturbing, and by creating the “Surrealistic Garden of Eden” it may have more attracted attention because it challenge not only us but most importantly the bible.

7. Add some of your own personal comments on her work.

I couldn’t watch all scenes of her work it was for me too shocking, and I didn’t understand the scene when the character is cut apart it was like she’s been raped by her own body part. But I really liked the idea of a dark side of the Garden of Eden.

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